We're in the process of filling everything that hasn't been posted through journal entries and memories. In the meantime, here's a brief summary to make sense of the following blog entries:
- We each spent some time travelling separately in August.
- We have left Moshi and are now living in Shimbwe - the beautiful, rural village where the project is located.
- The shelter is nearly complete.
- Things are going much better with Francis and the Duma Group. How and why is best left for another day's blog entry.
- We're planning to drop pictures of the shelter on Friday.
We don't have internet access in the village, but we do have a laptop. We will update at least once every weekend, sometimes with multiple entries. After having looked back at our own previous work, we've decided to try to experiment more with the kinds of things we post. Look for shorter, less narrative-oriented, and hopefully more flavorful character- and sensory-oriented posts in the future.
We hope the following two entries will hold you over until Friday.
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